
More Anonymous Online Guidance for the Friendless

Some of just don't have anyone real to talk to. Luckily, there are places we can go online and get a little support and friendly advice, without actually having to make any friends, which clearly we are not able to do.

On this site you think of a question or problem that you have, and click on the om card. This "shuffles" and lays out a deck of cards that contain the answers to your questions and solutions to your woes. Each one you click on reveals yet another important truth.

And the messages are very supportive and validating.

Sometimes they answer your questions dead on and really seem to speak to your particular situation. Other times they really don't. But they are always very wise and sage-like.

Interestingly, the same set of sage-like principles answer every conceivable question you could ask, just in a different order. I should know, because I asked many many questions. And some of them simply could not have been answered with a positive affirmation.