
You Can See It In My Ize

Nobody can dispute that "izing yourself" (that is uploading an image of yourself into an online program that then converts or incorporates your image into something else. There are no shortage of these on the web. Here are just a few more I've come across since the last time i posted on this.

Wanna get Che Guevarized?! Go here and upload your photo. You can see the image, download it and there is merchandise available--mugs and tees--with your revolutionary new look .

See what it will look like if you decide to order the mug...or the tee shirt or poster.

Just as much fun is this site where you can yearbook-ize yourself. Again, simply upload a photo, select year and the program transforms your image into a yearbook photo as it would have appeared at that time.

I would have been just as hot in the 60s, 70s and 80s, as you can see.

A face like mine is timeless.

On turbanizer you can try on numerous turbans until you find the one, or several, that are just right for you.

As always, upload a photo. From there you can adjust the size of your image and of the turbans and try on as many as you'd like before settling on one to be officially turbanized yet.

I tried on more than half the turbans available and simply loved very many of them.

I finally settled on this red one.

But I love them all, i love the look and don't believe i will ever again be seen out without a turban on my head.