
March Top 3

This month's top three has a theme: lists. The following three sites are dedicated to the compilation of lists. And there's nothing not funny or handy about that. So let's get started.

#1) List Universe. Look up various lists of just about any thing one can think of. Or post your own.

2) What Really Sucks. This web site maintains a list of things that, well, suck. It's like a "suckopedia," if you will. Look for your favorite products and activities here to learn if they suck or not.

3) Stuff white people like.

I think it goes without saying that a lot on this list overlaps with that on the previous one.


On Mars I'd Be Worth More

Sometimes you feel introspective and wonder about yourself, you have questions, and you need them answered.

For instance, have you ever wondered how old you would be on another planet? Of course you have.

Well at this site you can find that out exactly that.

Simply enter your birth date and this handy tool will calculate how old you'd be on the planets in our solar system, based on the length of their respective years.

Let's see, I'd be 149 years old on Mercury. So that's good, I'd be dead. On Venus I'd be 58. That sounds crappy. On Earth I'd be 36. Oh yeah, I am on Earth, and 36....

Okay then, on Mars I'd be 19. A teenager again. Pass. On Jupiter I'd be 3....

And so on and so forth. You get the idea. What does it all mean?

Not a goddamned thing.

This site then goes on to explain some scientific shit about planetary orbits and calculating their distances.

No one needs to learn anything here, though, so let's just move on to the next question.
How about precisely how much you are worth monetarily speaking on this planet? This you can calculate with help from the creators of this site.

Here you just fill out a short survey that measures your worth based on categories like gender, lifestyle, physical features and intelligence...

And based on the formula they use at this site to calculate this figure, it calculates your total monetary value as an individual.

This is especially handy if you are planning to sell yourself on Craig's List, as i tried unsuccessfully to do a few months back. I knew five million was asking waaaay too much.


Wake Up People!

This is kind of handy. The Kuku Klock site features an alarm clock you can set if, let's say, you are away from home and don't have access to an actual alarm clock. It's user friendly and will even work if you loose your internet connection after setting it.

And you have choices in terms of the alarm sound, like a classic alarm clock ring, or a Slayer guitar riff. I chose the cockerel (pictured in the first image) of course, because that's just so much fun to say. Cockerel.

Anyway. The current time is displayed in the in the right hand corner, and using your mouse, you simply set the alarm as you would any other.

Then,when the time comes, the alarm will sound and wake you up. There is even a snooze option. (Or if you change your mind and decide you don't want to get up after all, you can simply use the handy "cancel" feature.)

Wake up people!


Hit Me Later (or Kill Me Now)

Do you ever find yourself too short on time to read and reply to the many emails you receive from the many online dating services you are signed up for to no avail? Me neither. But on the off chance that you do ever find yourself with an inbox so full you simply can't get to it all, you can use the handy Hit Me Later tool and have that email re-sent to you at a designated future time.

Simply go to your inbox and forward any email you don't have time to deal with at the moment to Hit Me Later and designate the number of hours the server should wait--I chose seven hours here because I feel like in about seven hours I'll be ready to deal with this...

and then you'll see that mail has been forwarded to Hit Me Later.

And then later you'll receive the email back from them at a time chosen by you.

Then you can open it up, again, and address it with the feeling of a fresh start.

Or you can just leave any mail you haven't read yet in your inbox until you have a minute. Because if you don't waste the time forwarding your mail to this site, you'll eventually have more time to review your mail.