
Top Three 08.09

#1 The Conspiracy Web page, designed for "paranoids" is a great resource for learning about various government conspiracies. JFK Conspiracies, UFO Conspiracies, and other lies and manipulations constructed by our government, the government that doesn't want us to know that rabid clowns killed Kennedy, or that most members of Congress are in fact aliens from a distant galaxy, with plans to quietly, slowly take over our planet over the course of hundreds of years.

Let's say we're interested in finding out more about where UFOs have recently landed and why we're not supposed to know about it...

You'll be redirected to...

Oh, crap, well, try another site

Hmmm, well, maybe...okay, i guess not.

This is a conspiracy! This site should feature info on it. It probably does, actually, but all the links to that info would be dead anyway.

#2) Human Calendar. This fun site is, well, a human calendar. People hold cards with numbers corresponding to the days in the month, and everyone looks at the person holding the card that corresponds to the day it is.

#3)Isolatr This is a good site because, for the love of god, get me away from all these people. Conspiracy freaks are just weird, i think this goes without saying, and they're too busy speculating and weaving elaborate webs to maintain their site. The thought of twenty-nine or thirty people all looking at me because it's my "date" makes me want to be alone.