
Sept. '09 Top 3

#1 NowDoThis. This is a handy online site for creating a To Do List and checking those items off as there done. They offer some handy To Do suggestions

But you can also edit this and come up with your own list of things that need doing, as I did.

Then, after finishing the last item on your list, you get this satisfying screen that let's you know you've accomplished something.

I love that feeling.

#2 A site owned by a Mr. Forlee. An inventor of sorts, this site highlights some of his professional accomplishments.

And perhaps the best of these is this handy anti-theft lunch bag. It's happened to all of us, some ass clown at work stole you bologna sandwich AGAIN! Well, with this handy devise on your side, never again.

Slide your fresh delicious sandwich into the bag and the illusion of a moldy sandwich that no one would want to eat.

Okay, most people wouldn't; some of my co-workers might.

#3 PhoneSpell. This might be a handy way to...no it's just stupid. If you can actually spell one whole word with your phone, with the numbers in their actual order, that might be something, especially since this site boasts in being able to help businesses find a number that holds a word that pertains to the work they do, but you can just look at the phone keypad to figure that out. Here what we instead have is a thing where you type in a number

and it gives you the "words" it can spell, plus the leftover numbers, arranged randomly around the "word," also arranged randomly. Yeah, that's helpful in some way...

yeah, my number's ***-***-****, but an easier way to remember that is "I-1-car-1-psi-0" but not in that order. WTF?


Going Places, Without Ever Moving

Tired of having to move around all day--walk over here, look over there, fly in this direction--well then check out these sites and sit back and let them do the moving for you. From the fantastical to the more every day, these sites take you around while you actually sit on your ass, moving nothing more than a finger or two.

First, this site features a beautiful room with high painted ceilings, ornate woodwork, thousands of books, and more than a few other "patrons" to observe.

Use your mouse to scan a panoramic view of the scene.

Including the ceiling, and even the floor, not pictured here.

When that's lost its charm, you can venture here and travel along with a cartoon man as he gives up on the bus and takes the scenic route to a vacation in paradise.

With the aid of your arrow keys, the man flies up into the clouds, where birds and planes and flying chairs dwell.

He can fly around in that realm encountering all manner of atmospheric oddity, or he can keep soaring upward, eventually crossing over the threshold of space, as constructed by a friendly monkey, where tiny plane-flying lodge-members apparently dare not to go.

In space, you and he can encounter more bizarre inhabitants, and rock out with some of them.

Then it's upward again, until you find yourself and your companion coming back towards land via an ocean with, you guessed it, more weird stuff.

Until through its boundaries you burst, to land on a sunny beach...

to be serenaded by a hula dancer and another disturbingly cheerful monkey.

No longer will you be kept from taking that journey from the bus stop to a remote beach in the Keys, via space and the sea, that you've always heard your friends and co-workers talking about because now you can do it virtually by, literally, lifting a finger.

Similarly, you've seen all those national Geographic specials about Fish City, the Goblin Forest, Land of the Gray Gandhis and Dino Kingdom, and you've always been envious of those who've been able to go. Well now you can too, virtually, with the help of this site.

It starts you off here, and you can zoom forward...

or backwards.

It doesn't really matter, but let's press forward, back through the castle suspended on the edge of a city ruled by giant lizards and fish that, until now, you've only seen on TV, through the opening into another dimension.

Follow the path through a lovely field

and into a dark wood filled with goblins

and trees that want to kill you.

From there, press on through a less-deadly forest and into what can only be a very peaceful land

of Gandhi-like men and their temple

which up close does look kind of mean, but you can travel through it nonetheless to find

um, a man hiding around the corner from a weird dinosaur thing?

Continuing on from there brings you full-circle and back to the city of Fish and Lizards. A place you never thought you'd get to until now, with the help of this site.

Or hallucinogenic mushrooms if you have any.


Holy Giraffe Shit!

Doesn't have the same ring as "sheep shit," but the offering here is similar to that of another site, that was featured here in the past, that collects, and sells, hand-drawn pictures of sheep. Here, though, the focus is on the giraffe.

The site's goal is to collect and display as many giraffes as possible, with one million giraffes being the ultimate goal. And they're about a third of the way there.

Apparently the site was born out of a quest to collect one million giraffe drawings to prove to a doubtful friend of the site owner that it could, in fact, be done. In this way, the site is strong evidence that the people involved in this need to find some real hobbies.

It is also evidence that a lot of people out their imagine giraffes in ways that giraffes themselves are probably not aware, and would probably be unhappy to learn of.

And finally, this site shows us, especially when taken along side the sheep site and no doubt countless other collections-of-drawings-of-animals-and-things sites out there, that people are all too willing to lend their support, if it means scribbling a bad drawing of something, to internet-fueled stupidity. We already knew that, though.


Start the Year Off Right by Combating the Drudgery of the Alphabet

For all of you parents with youngsters beginning kindergarten and pre-school this week, this site offers a presentation of the otherwise boring old alphabet that's creative and fun.

Each letter is made out of other things or, as in the case of the letter "a," surrounded by splendorous design and color features.

You get the idea.

What child, or adult looking to spice up the mental imagery of their ABC's for that matter, won't be captivated?

Illiteracy rates are sure to plummet once word gets out there, especially if that word is spelled with one of these babies.