
Sept. '09 Top 3

#1 NowDoThis. This is a handy online site for creating a To Do List and checking those items off as there done. They offer some handy To Do suggestions

But you can also edit this and come up with your own list of things that need doing, as I did.

Then, after finishing the last item on your list, you get this satisfying screen that let's you know you've accomplished something.

I love that feeling.

#2 A site owned by a Mr. Forlee. An inventor of sorts, this site highlights some of his professional accomplishments.

And perhaps the best of these is this handy anti-theft lunch bag. It's happened to all of us, some ass clown at work stole you bologna sandwich AGAIN! Well, with this handy devise on your side, never again.

Slide your fresh delicious sandwich into the bag and the illusion of a moldy sandwich that no one would want to eat.

Okay, most people wouldn't; some of my co-workers might.

#3 PhoneSpell. This might be a handy way to...no it's just stupid. If you can actually spell one whole word with your phone, with the numbers in their actual order, that might be something, especially since this site boasts in being able to help businesses find a number that holds a word that pertains to the work they do, but you can just look at the phone keypad to figure that out. Here what we instead have is a thing where you type in a number

and it gives you the "words" it can spell, plus the leftover numbers, arranged randomly around the "word," also arranged randomly. Yeah, that's helpful in some way...

yeah, my number's ***-***-****, but an easier way to remember that is "I-1-car-1-psi-0" but not in that order. WTF?