
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a WTF!?

Okay here's a site that you can use to share your sexual abuse history with thousands of strangers on the web.

What could be more healing?

You can browse through the images of "teddy's" standing in for victims of child sexual abuse to share their stories. People can send in cards, via mail or the web, explaining how old they were when abused, and by whom and then each card is given to a teddy bear to hold for the camera.

This card reads:

I shutter to think how many pedophiles visit this site to fantasize and masturbate while reading the sex stories left to dangle from various teddy bears.

This one says:

I shutter again to realize that there is an event to stand up against child abuse that takes the form of a "carnival." It is actually called "The Carnival against Child Abuse." There's a "Carnival Against Sex Crimes Too," which I suppose means all sex crimes. A carnival, though? This conjures the idea of freaks and clowns and sexual deviants in and of itself. Hardly a safe haven against child sexual abuse.

I felt abused by this site. And you can file an abuse card of your own, so I did.

And I do feel better now that I spoke out against the abuse I endured.