
Virtual Fun

Virtual stuff on the web = hours of fun, not to mention well wasted time.

I had an etch-a-sketch when i was a kid, a real one. The problem with those is that you have to lug it around with you and it's bulky, and they break. With this virtual etch-a-sketch i found online, you get all the same big fun drawing and writing stuff all distorted, with none of the hassles.

Here's a virtual drum kit where the bored and lonely web-surfer can spend hours beating out one's best drum solo. If you stay here long enough you could develop the skills to play an actual drum set, should the opportunity ever arise, which it won't.

Who doesn't love a good staring contest? Everyone does, and now you don't have to have a real person to play with to do it. Sally, a virtual woman will make every attempt to stare you down, and she is good too.

I used to buy stuff on eBay just for the bubble wrap i could only hope it would come packaged in. Now, i just go online and pop some virtual bubbles.

If, instead, you are interested in shoring up your skills with the light saber in the hopes of one day becoming a Jedi Knight, there's a website you've got to check out. There are several sabers to choose from, I personally prefer the the model used by Yoda, pictured here; I just really like the way it handles.

Not interested in screwing around? There's a virtual meditation center that feature several "rooms" where you can relax and perhaps even meditate to the soothing sound of music while looking at pretty pictures that are reflective of each rooms' theme.