
Monthly Top 3

Here they are, for no particular reason.

#1 Modern Drunkard. Everything you ever needed to have for, or needed to know about, getting drunk.

#2 AVM Beer Cap Collection. Possibly the world's largest beer bottle cap collection, online for everyone to enjoy.

#3 Feral Children. A must visit website if ever there was one.


From Biggest to Smallest Stuff on the Web

Here are a few example of sites I've found that focus on the very small, or very big.

First we have The Smaller Picture, where members of the "collective consciousness" can help each other create images. When it is your turn, you just choose whether to turn the pink tile black or white. In this case i chose white.

I did my part to help turn this glob of small tiles into the shape of a human head. It's really coming along, as you can see. This is the actual size of the image as shown on the site, hence, "The Smaller Picture."

Here we have the smallest web page EVER. It opens to a drop of water, then when you click on it a few options are shown...

First, choose flash or HTML...

If you go with HTML you can see the world's smallest blog, or see the world's smallest news report, as seen below (a news story about asteroids)...

Or, select flash and you can play the world's smallest versions of popular games, Break Out, Asteroid or Pac Man, as seen below.

On the other hand, the web is a great place to find the Big stuff too. Here, for example, we have "The Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything." And, boy, it really doesn't. It's not even that big.

Then there's "The World's Tallest Virtual Building." This was at one time an online virtual community, another fun genre of online fun that we'll look at more in depth another time. It's closed now and no one can interact or join, but the "structure" is still up for your online entertainment. It's still a tall virtual building, about 1/4 of which is depicted below.