
Be My Baby?

Here's a great site where you can see ahead of time what your baby would look like if you had one with various people. This may be very helpful in choosing a mate. Or, if you already have a mate, but haven't any kids together yet, you can find out if you would really be wise to do so. Or, if you are like me and don't have a mate or any friends with whom you might ever expect to have sex, under any circumstances, ever, because any friends you do have are not real, then you can use the celebrity option to see what your baby would look like if you had one with one of many possible celebrities, even though there is no chance of this ever happening.

All you do is upload your picture, and then choose a mate.

My first choice was Marilyn

Oddly enough, it seems our child would be cute.

Let's try another, just to see what would happen. How about Eminem?

Another cutie. I'm so hot, I just can't make an ugly baby.

I can, however, make a baby that is a total dork and wears a chicken suit, with Eminem's help of course.