
What a long (or short) strange trip it is

There are some pretty strange people out there. I am very thankful for that, by the way. Consequently there are some pretty strange websites too. The following are examples of sites that are set up so that upon entering, the web surfer is then transported through a series of pages filled with bizarre and/or surreal images.

The Phone. Upon arriving here, you receive instructions: click on the telephone's receiver to pick it up and then use your mouse to dial the three digit number provided and bam...

you are transported to the first of a series of interactive and completely strange pages. A mouse-over on this page sets crows flying from branch to branch, but click on the apple and all the birds die! And the next number is revealed.

Back to the phone and dial, and then you end up at another strange page which eventually reveals another three-digit number to "dial."

Which then takes you to another weird page, and then another, and so on.

Totally fun.

Then there's Screenvader. This site starts with a series of symbols on the screen. Mouse-over to see a preview; click on it and a colorful graphic takes over the screen.

When you get bored of it, simply go back and click on other space to reveal more random and often odd images.

On Superbad you have choices. Each screen contains several items to click on and each one of these leads you someplace different, to another page with different options...

click on one and once again you are transported to something strange.

It isn't always simply an image; sometimes it is a funny letter or a twisted tale. You just never know where you will end up.

Finally, Wake Up is provides a simulation of sorts of a day in the life of a McDonald's employee. With this site you can get a glimpse into this life, and shape it as you go because this site, too, offers choices at every turn. Keep hitting snooze, or get your lazy ass up and take a shower. Skip the shower and have breakfast. Drive to work fast or slow. You choose your dinner and then whether to watch TV or go to bed, even whether to dream in color or black and white.

I imagine that these are but a few such sites out there. Like I said, I appreciate the bizarre, and will definitely keep my eye out for more great specimens of this genre of website.