
Salute to Politics Top Three

Well, the election has finally come and gone. Obama is our next president, and everything is still in shambles, but at least there's a glimmer of hope, some possibility that with the introduction of some thoughtful and intelligent leaders this country might not implode on itself. But what a ride it was to get to here, through the campaigning and debates and political signs littering the nation's highways.

Well here's a top three that is a tribute to politics, the political system, and political figures, featuring sites devoted to those things:

#1 The Freedom Loving Republicans site. They seem to be having a hard time getting their organization off the ground, but culturedrone sincerely wishes them the best of luck.

#2) The Now Debate this site, which features debates between schoolchildren over issues both current and historical. You may find yourself missing all the debates in another month or so, and so this is a handy site for getting a "fix," and you can watch the seeds of democracy and political aspirations get planted.

#3) dubya speak. This site will fill in that empty spot that will soon be created by W's departure. Let's face it, we've all become accustomed to hearing him say stupid stuff, and while it was disturbing and dangerous to have such a dumb president, it was a source of amusement at times too. Well now it can just be funny, because soon his stupidity will no longer impact us as it has, and so we can just enjoy it.