
Generating Fun IIb

It is by now no secret that i love a good online generator. Hey, for that matter, I'm pretty fond of even the kind of bad online generators. The whole concept is fun and the utter uselessness of the end product is a huge part of what attracts me to these.

So let's look at a few more fun ones. Here is a site that helps you generate a suicide note in just a few easy steps. You usually only have to visit this site once.

Not unlike a suicide note is the Alanis Morrisette song. As usual, on this site, you just fill in a short form with a few verbs, adjectives and emotions of your choice, and you've got a song that Alanis would be proud to perform for her next album.

Looking for something a little more uplifting, a little more colorful? Who doesn't love a bit of graffiti? Go here and design yourself a "tag," and if you want you can even print out copies and tape them up all over the place at work to leave your mark.

Sign generators are a classic among generator tools, and are always fun. To make yourself a neon sign, this is a good site. To make yourself a street sign, maybe name a few streets in your area after yourself, go to Easy Street.

Sign Generator is another great place with the longest list of possible types of signs to create I've ever seen. Unfortunately most of them are apparently not working, or they weren't the day i was there. In fact, only one of the eight or ten i tried did generate anything:

Restaurant signs are great because you can name the place after yourself and feature bizarre dishes, and have the message saying something rude to would be customers. I love it. At redkid.net you can make a storefront sign. On the Atom Smasher site, you can make a Chinese Restaurant sign, among other things. Actually, another thing you can make there is a wide assortment of Error Warnings.

Finally, at MakeSweet, you will find all kinds of fun generating options--flags, including animated ones, bottles, tattoos, billboards, the list goes on and on. For now, I've gone with a flag and billboard that each feature my likeness.

Culturedrone is everywhere.