
Feed Your Food, It Looks Hungry

Last month, we rounded things off with a couple site dedicated to food, so what better site could there be to start off with this month than foodfeed? Here you can enter posts listing the food you have eaten, see what others have recently eaten, and search for folks who have eaten specific foods.

Some suggestions for foods/eaters to search for are provided in the search bar: chicken, pizza, burritos, pasta, etc. I, of course, prefer to seek out those individuals who boast of enjoying more non-traditional fare.

Kittens are still a little too exotic i guess. No one's really eating them, or at least they're not talking about it. But the site does provide for me to spread the word on the deliciousness of kittens and "tell the world about it." One word: tender. Anyway, along the same lines, I entered a similar search, this time looking for anyone who eats puppies. And this time I got a hit for someone who had consumed a puppy as a BBQ side along with beans and cole slaw.

Nothing quiets a whiny puppy quite so completely.

Then I searched for posters eating shit, just as a lark, but surprisingly, several had acknowledged eating it.

Naturally, I then created an account for myself, so that I might participate in this vital exchange of ideas and information. And then posted the contents of my breakfast.

Doing this might inspire others to break out of their everyday culinary patterns and spice things up by trying something new. In return, you get to do the same and learn of exotic sounding foods you had never heard or thought of, but won't know how you did without once you've tried them. I for one think puppies sound marvelous and I'm willing to try shit, even though everything I know is telling me not to.

And you have the opportunity to meet others on the site who like the kinds of things you do. Anyone on the site who shares my adventurous love of the bizarre and exotic, for instance, has a pretty good chance of finding me so we can share ideas and swap recipes.