
Valentines Day Top 3

With today being Valentines Day, a day for lovers and romance, people like me, who nobody will even talk to much less date, kind find ourselves feeling a little bitter. Okay, maybe more than a little. Actually i killed the mailman this morning when he didn't have any Valentines Cards for me, again.

This month's top 3 is meant to change all that. Everyone knows that online dating sites are popular, but some of us still haven't had any luck. Well this month's top three focuses on alternative online social networking/dating sites that will help even the most bizarre and frightening among us find that special someone, maybe in time to celebrate Valentines Day for real by this time next year.

#1: 420 Dating. I smoke a lot of pot, and this, along with the bizarre things it makes me think and say, seems to get in the way when it comes to my quest to find love. So I figured a social networking site for people like me, who might come to a date so stoned they just stare into space and drool on themselves, would be a good place to start.

I signed up and created a profile.

So far I haven't gotten any responses to my profile, but the day is still young.

#2: No Longer Lonely

This site promises to help even the most desperate and lonely web-surfers find their true love, or at least someone willing to talk to them. So with a heart full of love to share and hope for the best, I created a sure-to-please profile.

And voila! In less than an hour I started getting email from interested gentlemen.

I responded immediately of course, but only to keep him on the line while I trolled a little longer for any other desperate and lonely hotties out there.

And in the meantime decided to sign up for membership on another dating site:
#3 Zombie Harmony

There are so many interesting members on this site, I know I can't loose.

Currently I'm hoping to land "LonelyBill" if I can, he's hot and we have so much in common. But if not then "Need to Feed" is cute too. Call me boys!