
Fuck my Life, or help me live it better!

Fuck My Life!!! I say that a lot. And now I've found a web site where like-minded folks are posting episodes from their daily lives that make those lives so totally fuckable.

This person works as a pizza delivery driver. Eeeew, that does suck.

This person was mauled by a kitten. Been there.

And of course you can also enter a FML tale of woe of your own.

So of course I did...

I went with that bullshit that keeps happening and happened again today where it turns out I'm still alive and wake up yet again. So sick of that.

Well, I guess if I'm going to be around again today I might as well try to find some answers and some new ways to cope with it all. This site that exists as part of a site for a company that, I guess, makes aspirin and band aids,offers helpful advice about what to do in light of a collection of possible problems or questions any of us might have at any time.

Let's see how helpful it really is...Let's see, okay I've never been lost in Germany, but I was once lost in Mexico, and did I ever need the bathroom. But let's see how this works. Click on your issue and...

Hmmm, and up comes the answer...toilette, Remember that.

Okay, this happens to me all the time...

okay, now we're getting somewhere. Yup, I am here, that was right. Thanks.

Ooooh, here's another one I am constantly dealing with. Ghosts...

Okay, and I'll get straight to the point.

Just keeps saying Boo...

Well, that isn't helpful unless they also have a translator tool so I can find out what that means. Well, at least the lines of communication have been established. Oh, wait, a tool for dealing with aggression!? I can always use help there...

Just keep clickin' that fist `till the wall comes a tumblin' down.

Hooray, I'm a winner!!! I do feel a little better now.

I still wish it hadn't been my alarm clock.