
April `09 Top 3

Here are my top three fave web sites this month, in no particular order.

#1: A Guide to the Orders of Trilobites. Here One can learn everything there is to know about Trilobites...

the importance of which cannot be over-estimated.

Here's this month's Trilobite of the month.

Wow! Just look at...it. I can see why he or she was chosen.

#2: easttexas.com. Follow the growth, okay, the growth is over, this is a very old site, but fun to check out, of a rubber band ball.

This is a fun site, pretty much because it's left over from the mid nineties..

when the internet was new...

and people clearly didn't quite know what to do with it yet.

A lot of people sent three bands, but the Stewarts sent three "big wide" bands. Those Stewarts! Always trying to out-do everyone else.

#3: Spud's Travels. At this site one can keep up on the world travels of a plastic toy.

Just click on a country he's been to, and he's been to quite a few, to view the pics from each one.

Here's one of him in India. Obviously.

And another in Germany posing with some German-looking stuff.

And then in front of some beautiful architecture in Japan.

And here he is in the U.S.

Again, obviously.