
Surfing the Web for a Positive Vibe

Sometimes I find myself just feeling so negative; about myself, my life, about the state of society and the future of the world. So I naturally look to the web for help establishing a more positive outlook. And naturally that doesn't really work. But there are a few places you can turn for that pep talk, that pick-me-up that let's you know you're not so bad and it all just might turn out okay.

Bring the Awesome is just such a site. It's one page with its simple message was all I needed to see one night when I was feeling so totally un-awesome it wasn't funny.

A similar page that I stumbled upon one fine evening, just as I was for sure to be swallowed by the ever-present and persistently growing sense of doom that haunts me, provided the instant reassurance I needed in that darkest of hours.

Now, the automatic flatterer site is something a little different. It's interactive, personalized, and a seemingly inexhaustible source of encouragement.

The page loads with a dialogue box into which you simply type your name and click okay, and then keep clicking okay on the subsequent and flattering boxes to keep those positive statements about you and your existence coming.

On the other hand, even if you don't play along and click on "cancel" instead, the website is still very respectful of you and your feelings, something you may rarely get from people around you.

But if you enter your name and click OK as I did, the site sends you a compliment via another dialogue box...

And with every click of your mouse, the love keeps coming...

For as long as you need it to, or until your mouse wears out or your clicking finger gives out...

Because you are so starved for love...


With all this positivity and affirmation, there do come some risks. You don't want to get too cocky; complacency is dangerous. Fortunately there are sites like this that when you go there will generate an original Shakespearean insult for you.

And if you need more than one to help you come back down to Earth as it were, a new insult is generated with each click on it.

Plume-Plucked miscreant! Man, I haven't been called that since I was ten.