
top thrizzle

#1 The Museum of Online Museums, or MoOM. Here's a site with dozens of links to other really silly sites showcasing what are in most cases absolutely ridiculous collections. You'll never get bored.

This site lead me to gems like, the Bubble Blowers Museum, a collection of, you guessed it, bubble blowers,

a collection of found grocery lists,

and, of course, Toothpaste World.


#2 The Art of Manliness website. It offers so much useful information about men stuff like and what you, if you're a man, should like as well. It goes on to offer tips on how to do all that stuff that then ultimately defines manliness, and do it well.

There's even a Top 100 essential manly reading list.

Can't argue with that I guess.

#3 Phobia Guide. How handy is this?! A list of every known phobia. I've been making my way down through it and so far I've identified sixty two phobias that I suffer from personally. Most of them I didn't even realize were recognized conditions. Now that I know what's wrong, maybe I can finally get the help I need to begin to over come them.

But probably not.