
Graphs, Cartoons and Words that Rhyme, Oh My! (July top 3)

1) Graph Jam. What a great site.

There are numerous examples of various types of graphs others have made using this website,

As well as opportunities to create your own. Just pick the type of graph you want to make, plug in your info and, voila, you've got your own graph.

Here's mine.

2) Project Cartoon. Here's a site where you can, well, alter a "project cartoon" consisting of pictures of swings and trees.

In the original cartoon the creators have depicted a breakdown in communication between the individual tasks associated with developing and carrying out a "project."

And that's boring, but luckily you can at least change the captions, rearrange the order of images and even delete cells you don't need to create your own story line out of them. here's mine:

3) Write Rhymes. This site helps you to rhyme as you write. I'm not sure who needs this kind of assistance or for what, but if you do, here it is. You just start writing and when you select a word the application provides you with a selection of words that rhyme with it.

Using this feature, I wrote a little poem. You can see how I used it to come up with vulture to rhyme with my name.

I didn't actually need any help with the second rhyme.