
I've Just Gotta Say...

Of course you never want to be too critical of others, but sometimes the situation is such that you just have to say something. Fortunately there are a number of web sites out there designed to help you do just that.

First Nice Critic, helps you create and send gentle criticism (who needs that?!) anonymously to your peers via email.

There are several behavioral categories to choose from...

I just went with "general Behavior" because, in general, everything that my peers do annoys me to no end, and i think I'd like to tell them about it. Actually I usually do by simply saying things like "you suck" and "fuck off you idiot" whenever one of them approaches me, but for the sake of this exercise...

I decided to politely tell one of my associates that her voicemails without fail grate my nerves into a fine dust as they are are loaded with irrelevant information and ramble on and on and on and on with lengthy pauses in between ignorant and useless commentary. She leaves me these daily because she calls me daily and I never pick up because conversing with her in person is even more annoying. Oh my god I hate her!!

But anyway, you just select your complaint from a list of possible criticisms, fill in the name and email details of the intended recipient, and voila. Hopefully they'll take your tactful, yet anonymous, advice.

Along different lines, perhaps you're running with a pack of art aficionados and you, though you've already sent a Nice Criticism about their tendency to speak condescendingly towards you because of your lack of any idea about such things, desperately need help in generating intelligent-sounding statements of art criticism. If so, this site is there to help.

Just follow the easy instructions and this site assists you in pulling together some phrases that make you sound art knowledgeable even if you have no idea what you're looking at or talking about.

Go ahead and spew these phrases, no one will ever ask you to clarify or expand upon what you've just said. And if they do, just spew more of this crap at them until they just give up and walk away. Which they will, and sooner rather than later I'm guessing.

If by any chance you are really pissed off with and want to send some scathing criticism to Adobe, and who isn't, this site is your way to go. They offer a searchable archive of great past gripes against Adobe,

as well as the opportunity to lodge your own. I took that opportunity because I've had a beef with them I've wanted to get off my chest for a long time.

I hope they hear it good and loud.

To send complaints and criticisms to other people or organizations, I recommend this site. You just fill in a few specifics and it automatically generates a complaint for you that you can then send to the offending party.

So you can't customize the specific areas of their behavior with which you are dissatisfied, it guarantees a scorching indictment of that person or organizations actions and character, which sometimes is all you need.