
Long Strange Trip All Over Again

As we already know, there are a lot of folks out there who like to create astronomically weird shit. Hence, there are a lot of weird web sites and pages, where nothing, and yet everything, makes sense. Here's some of that now.

First up, here's a site that features, well, this:

Each numbered box in the grid to the left corresponds to a wacky image such as this.

And this,

and this.

And so on.

Next, go to this site for links to other bizarre and useless stuff. Clicking on something in the side menu.

Fun stories abound.

And there's even a war-time buzz phrase generator,

which I quite frankly can't live without now that I've had a taste of it.

A day online isn't complete without a trip to this next site.

Simply mouse over the characters you'll find swirling in a circle

a word appears for each one and when you click on it the word is magically formed at the top of the page.

and then sometimes they lead to another page with an image...

or better yet, an application. This is a real-time clock, which is helpful if you don't have a clock, which let's face it, most people don't.

Oh, NAWLZ. This is a fun site which you enter through a city that pulsates with electricity.

Once inside there are numerous options. Clicking on any of the links on the side, take you to another page

And then another...

and so on. None of it makes sense, but the graphics are sort of cool.

The Plug. What can one say?

Clicking on a thumbnail as seen above...will only lead to expanded weirdness...as seen below...

And we love that.

and that and that and that.

Lastly on our tour of strange internet shit, we have the site with the spastic kitten.

There's more to it than that, of course.

So click on the kitten and get in there, because there's a lot of meaningless nonsensical stuff to see...

and you don't want to miss it.