

As always, I love online generators as applications that allow you to create all sorts of useless stuff online, and also lets you save those nonsensical and frequently offensive items and send them on to friends. There are tons of sites out there that offer generators of all kinds, and a great place to link to these is the Generator Blog.

Anyway, let's just take a sampling of some more of the most fun-tastic generators out there (see previous posts for 10.24.07 and 11.8.08 for more).

First, there's mini-mizer. Here you can create a little lego character, perhaps in your own image. You start with a blank and then chose it's hair/hat and face.

Its clothing...


and background.

Here's mine. It's me, on the weekend.

Or, how `bout making a word mosaic? The Image Chef site offers just such an opportunity. Just pick the colors, font and shape or symbol, and text to create something just as they did in this lovely example.

Voila! I love it.

But you can also select initials rather than a shape or symbol and fill it with corresponding text. Voila again!

Well who doesn't love designing their very own logo? No one. I love to. Here's a place to make yourself a twitter-like logo.

Just enter your name, or whatever, and there you go.

That's a twit logo alright!

Next, you can make a miracle. `Tis the season after all. At Glass Giant you can add an image to any everyday object, such as the way the face of Jesus or the Virgin Mary often appear in sandwiches or on rotten logs.

Here I've taken the liberty of creating the miracle of me appearing on a pancake. Praises!

Then, scurry on over to a site that let's you simulate self-mutilation.

I see using one of these for my christmas cards this year.

Finally, whatever you generate should be sent to a friend.