
Nostalgic for Summer? Here's Browser Beach Ball!

I love sites that offer fun little wastes of time. This one is just such a site as it features Browser Ball. It is not much more cool than you think it will be, but a little bit. Maybe.

When you launch it, a window opens and inside of it sits a brightly colored beach ball.

You move it around with your mouse and bounce it against the "walls" of the box for unlimited fun.

But that's not all. You can open additional windows and, when they are touching the main window, the ball can continue straight through to them.

Separate the windows, though, and the ball can become trapped inside whichever one it's in.

Put them back together, and the ball moves freely through them once again.

Next, you can go ahead and create more little windows and trap the ball in those. I think we're through here.