
I Ho Ho Hope Santa Doesn't Listen to Triggur

Well in just a few days it will be Christmas, and if you don't want to wake up Christmas morning only to find that Santa did not bring you anything good, it's time to get those letters written and sent. This is so much easier now a days where Santa is online and can receive email.

Now it's even easier still because Triggur has an application that assists users in composing a letter to Santa Clause that outlines their behavior over the past year and what they would like for Christmas in light of it.

You just type in your user name and BAM! you get a letter to Santa.

It doesn't give you an opportunity to actually stipulate what it is that you want exactly, but if you don't like the suggested gift, you can always go back and start again.Um...wait a minute, that's definitely not...well, I'll just try again then.

Um...well, I...

Shit man. Hold on...

Um...think I should have stuck with the XBox.