
Remote Location Celebration

Ok I never get invited to a New Years party and I am terrified of crowds, so celebrating the New Year has long been out of my reach. Not any more. Now, thanks to Earthcam's live streams of New Years celebrations, both past and present, both here in the US and around the world, I have finally found a way to ring in the New Year with "friends" from everywhere.

Here, I was able to go and begin the count down even before the official count down began, with the site's countdown to the night of the count down...

I checked back every few days and this filled me with excited anticipation like nothing ever has before.

And if that weren't enough, I was also able to view archived streams and images from past New Years celebrations, both in Times Square and around the world.

This let me know in advance just the kind of excitement i was in for when this year's celebration got underway.

And boy I was not disapointed.

Wow, just like being there.


A Top 3 That Helps You Say "you suck"

Well it's the holiday season so naturally web sites that help us fuck one another over rule. These are here to help us tell one another how much we all suck.

1) Now many of you who celebrate the holidays no doubt received gifts that sucked. And not that they should have, but they did. Not a yellow sweater with green polka dots that aunt Sally sent you (her gifts always suck, that's a given, but the "cool" products everyone did want that, as it turned out, really blew in the end of it all. If that's you, this site is for you. Let the manufacturer and/or the outfit that sold this crap know just what a piece of crap they're peddling with help from Complaints.com.

If you have a complaint, you just fill out this form and BAM it's all over the web. That will teach those fuckers not to mess with you!

But even if you don't have an immediate complaint, as I didn't at first, this site is a hoot because you can peruse some of the issues others have had with various businesses and products and services.

Pizza, now there's an item that gets people pissed off apparently, and Dominos, you ain't doing so well it would seem...and Pizza Hut, you suck too.

Okay, wait, I thought of a complaint...

And so I filled out the form and within minutes I had an email urging me to approve my message and then within seconds of doing that...

it was posted to the site. Fuck you Fabulous 50's Eye sore, I mean Diner!

2)The random YouTube insult generator. This site generates insulting comments to post in response to others' YouTube posts.

Click the button and a new insult is generated.

Then, simply use it to post to something on YouTube that sucks. And this is useful, because so many people on YouTube really do suck that you run out of energy to generate these kinds of responses on your own.

3) Maybe you just need to go old school and "gong" those friends and family members who you no doubt have all around you right now and who seriously need to shut the fuck up and stop doing what they're doing. Don't have a gong you say, well no worries. Just go to Free Gong Online and use the gong tool they have supplied for just such a situation I guess.

Just click on the mallet and you not only get the "gong" you need, but the whole page shakes adding a nice visual to the scene.

Or you can also go to the virtual gong, another online gong with the same "click on the mallet" protocol.

Because apparently the need for such a thing is greater than you might have thought.


I Ho Ho Hope Santa Doesn't Listen to Triggur

Well in just a few days it will be Christmas, and if you don't want to wake up Christmas morning only to find that Santa did not bring you anything good, it's time to get those letters written and sent. This is so much easier now a days where Santa is online and can receive email.

Now it's even easier still because Triggur has an application that assists users in composing a letter to Santa Clause that outlines their behavior over the past year and what they would like for Christmas in light of it.

You just type in your user name and BAM! you get a letter to Santa.

It doesn't give you an opportunity to actually stipulate what it is that you want exactly, but if you don't like the suggested gift, you can always go back and start again.Um...wait a minute, that's definitely not...well, I'll just try again then.

Um...well, I...

Shit man. Hold on...

Um...think I should have stuck with the XBox.


Back Walking and Crotch Grabbing in Honor of MJ

That's what we have here at Eternal Moonwalk.

On this site people from all over the world have posted clips of themselves doing MJ's most famous move, the moonwalk.

Well, okay, not really. Kids and adults alike are mostly just walking backwards in honor of Micheal's moonwalk, because they can't actually do it.

And just to mix it up a little bit, there's also a fair amount of people reliving MJ's second most famous move, which was grabbing himself.

And that's something everybody on here absolutely can do quite well apparently.


The Defining Feature of Chinese-made Films in the West

That is that, whether dubbed or subtitled, it never really seems like characters are saying what supposedly is being said. This site offers you the ability to script your own Chinese movie and make the characters "say" in subtitles whatever you want, including many things which it, of course, does not seem like they would be talking about.

You can make your own, as well as view those of others.

My favorite examples on here now are "I Tell You This is Going to be a New Starbucks"

and "but you told me to use my left hand."

and my personal favorite

"Waiting for Culturedrone!"


November Top 3--The Stuff You Leave Behind

1) Is This You? This site houses hundreds of "lost and found" images, supposedly left behind in photo booths and film development shops or discarded by people who don't really care to have pictures of certain people anymore.

The people running this site sure do find a lot of lost photos. I didn't see any pictures of myself, I assume because any that existed have been burned by whomever might have owned or found them. Are you here? Is this you?

Take a gander sometime.

2) Personas. Here you can search to see what traces you have left behind on the web. Type your name...

and find out who you are,

according to the web and what it "knows" about you.

And it knows. And at the end it gives you a handy little breakdown of the impression the web has of you and what you're all about.

And it knows.

3) Love Letters. This last site houses a collection of love letters. Each colored square contains one.

Some are written on scraps of paper.

Others on whole white sheets.

And all were written by the same person, Asia, and they weren't really lost or left behind exactly. They were made, recorded and distributed and I think it's supposed to be artsy.

But they should be left behind, so let's do that beginning right now.