
No Good Reason 4 It

Occasionally there are those pages that when you open them some sort of animation appears. It doesn't tell a story, and isn't interactive, the reason for it just isn't obvious at all. Here are a couple examples.

Ninja Works It. This page features a cartoon ninja that dances to club music which also plays when you open the page. The dancing and the song run on a continuous loop. Forever. The only way to escape is to leave the page, but it's hard, because the repetition has the effect of putting the unsuspecting web surfer into a kind of trance.

Work it ninja, work it. Man i could watch that for hours.

Eventually, though, you gotta' move on. What better no-good-reason-for-it website than
Seizure Andy, which is just this guy having, essentially a seizure on the screen. The background flashes and this guy's head and arms move back and forth between positions. That's all. Over and over again. Forever.

But, when you do get bored with Andy's repetitive seizing, and as hard as it is to believe it you will, you can move to another page and purchase Seizure Andy merchandise, because who doesn't want that? They have sunglasses and beer mugs i guess, and LOTS of underwear. I don't know who this Andy is, why he's having a seizure, why that's supposed to be entertaining or why in the world i would want his face on my underwear, but somebody must i guess.