
There's Nothing Not Fun About an Online Generator

The online generator is a broad genre of online fun/time-waster. You can generate mad-lib poems, fairy tales, notes and announcements, a list of anagrams from your name, even a list of words that can be spelled with your phone number. What could be more entertaining? I'm glad you asked. Some of the least "useful" of the genre are the image-based internet generators, that allow you to custom create a sign or a headline, or design the label on a virtual product.

One of my personal faves in this category is the Church Sign Generator
Here you can choose from a number of differently styled signs and make them say whatever you want-- announce just how great you are, or how stupid everybody else is, or how your god is better, or that no god even exists at all. Sky's the limit.

When you get bored of that, and you will, there are many other fun generators that are bound to please. I named a newspaper after me and generated a lead story, developed my own brand of cigarettes, cut a new album (which will be released on cassette tape only, I'm told), designed the box for a new brand of cereal and created an important warning about an often over-looked matter.

Notes, Letters and announcements are also a lot of fun to create with online generators, because these are fun to send to your friends, who are always too happy to receive this crap.

That brings me to the Federal Bureau of Communication web site, which allows the user to easily recognize or announce important events and special occasions, compose a most sincere letter of apology or, conversely, create a to-the-point notice of grievance when you, as usual, have been terribly wronged by society and need to vent and at the same time warn the wrong-doers of their impending doom should they persist, all in the name of open communication.