
October Top Three (But really 5)

In honor of Halloween, October's top 3 websites, I decided, should be ones that deal with monsters and zombies and other scary thoughts, images, products or places. And there are actually five of them instead of three, because i really like scary websites and i really really like Halloween.

#1 Zombie Lurch. Here is a fun site dedicated to celebration of Zombies around the world. Zombies are scary, but they are also well loved. Not everyone loves them, I guess, like Minneapolis, but a lot of people do. A lot of people not only love, but wish to be zombies, if only for a day. These people include me.

#2 Monstrous. The purpose of this site is in its name; it is all about monsters and other frightful characters from those of ancient mythologies to modern horror movies. Awesome!

#3 Dark Side of the Net. This site is a little different. It provides links to , as the name suggests, dark places on the web-places for "dark" art and literature, news and info of a darker nature, as well as those dealing with Halloween and hauntings and other scary, scary stuff.

New Age Dolls. Ok, this site is creepy because the dolls exhibited here are soooo creepy. Like if you had one of these in your bedroom you would not sleep at night. Hey, if there's an annoying kid you know that you really want to mess with, I'd say get him or her one of these this Christmas. They'll never sleep again at the very least and, honestly, these dolls actually may be evil, and may really kill people, including small annoying children, in their sleep. Either way, how satisfying.

The Cabinet. This site is devoted to the horror genre in literature, film and music. You can also create your own horror blog there, which I've decided I will do immediately.