
Send it To Your Friends, to Make Sure They Know How to Vote

i got a funny email the other day, from a friend who, i guess, is afraid that i won't vote, and vote for his candidate, on election day. he's partly right, because i already voted by absentee ballot last week.

but anyway, it was funny and, best of all, something you can send to all of your friends, that may inspire them to get out and "Barack the Vote." at the very least, though, it's an opportunity to fill the in boxes of your friends with more amusing crap.

go to this website, and fill in a list of your friends names and email addresses, and a video from this site, customized with your pals' names will be sent to them instantly.

the fake video is of a news report, set a couple days after the election, showing outraged citizens talking about what a loser your friend is for failing to vote for Obama, like those shown below from the video i received.

and if that isn't enough to compel your friends to vote, or at least make them smile, the video goes on to show right wing nut jobs singing their praises.

what, i ask you,could be more disturbing then that?