
Analyze This!

Well, this sounded handy. An online analysis tool designed to help the user determine if a block of text expresses a liberal, conservative or neutral sentiment. It is an off-shoot of the online Word Counter into which one enters a body of text to see what words are most frequently used in it. Another way to determine this is to read the text, but with election day literally right around the corner, i thought this political version would be a great tool for seeing where people, not just candidates but people in general, stand politically, in case i had any question.

Just enter a block of text-if it is something written you can simply cut and paste. To test it, to see if it truly could analyze text for political leanings, i figured to input text from what i thought should be easily recognizable as either a liberal or conservative political sentiment.

First, I input a block of text taken from the Personal Responsibility Act, as outlined in the Republican Contract With America.

Maybe that was too subtle.

I tried again with several Hitler quotes.

I don't think it works.

What a horrible waste of time that turned out to be! Who'd have thunk it?