
Generating Fun IIa

Who doesn't love an online generator? I know i do. You can use them to make funny signs and to decorate cereal boxes or cigarette cartons. Yup, generators are a hoot, which is why they will be featured both this week and next.

One great place to locate fun generator tools from around the web is The Genrator Blog. From here you can find tons of generator web sites. The ones highlighted here barely scratch the surface, so you'll no doubt want to check it out for yourself.

First, one site offers the ability to create a handy eye chart. This is great because, who knows, you might just need one in order to monitor your family's ocular health. Not only that, but you can make the letters in the chart spell out funny sayings and insults, as i did.

Or, go here and make yourself an eternal life coupon, which then means you'll never die. I made myself one...

But later wondered if i really wanted to live forever. I don't, so now I'm looking for a site to generate me a re-instate mortality coupon. so if you know of one...

On the Ben and Jerry's website you can make your own ice cream flavor; you choose what goes in it, what it's called and BAM you got yourself your very own flavor.

Then go here and create an answer for the virtual magic eight ball. When in doubt, something containing "fuck you" always works for me.

If you find yourself being audited by the IRS, as I often do, you can go here and generate whatever bogus receipts you might need to verify some of the "business expenses" you claimed.

Ok, this is disgusting, but on the virtual vomit page you can, well, generate vomit .

And you can even click on the "vomit" for an audio. What a nice touch that is!

The Drug Inventor offers the chance to create a new drug--from what it's called and what it does to how it's packaged.

In just a few short steps you have your own drug, named after you and designed to cure or prevent whatever ailment you want.

Or, better yet, go to this site and generate a prescription for whatever you truly need to feel better.