
I Scream Ize Scream!

Blabberize is one site that meets all the requirements for greatness and has definitely earned a place on the Culturedrone web stuff blog.

They have a huge gallery of "blabberized" images to waste time browsing.

Some are odd and ear-piercing, like this creature that screams "Get Off My Lawn!!"

Others are odd and a little creepy, like this, um, person singing a song for Jesus.

I don't know what's creepier, the costume or the whole singing to Jesus thing. Moving on...
And, to add more time-wasting capability, this site helps you make your own images "blabber." I first thought to upload my own image and "blabberize it." It's a really old photo, but it would suffice for purpose of this exercise. You just select the mouth area to cut out...

Then record audio to go along with it. You won't hear it here of course, but you can do pretty much anything you want with it.

Here's what I had to say (bubble added).

Let's try uploading a picture of someone else to have a little fun with. How `bout Ryan Seacrest.

Just select the mouth area...

record the audio...

and BAM!

Ryan Seacrest knows what he's talking about.