
Relax. Have a Blessing, and go to the Library.

With the volume of responses I got after last week's post, I am starting to see that I am not the only one who kind of needs to relax, before they snap, and do serious damage, or more serious damage. Well here are a couple sites that I like to go to when I need a break from it all, places to relax and recharge, and to begin to think happy thoughts. Let's go before we kill someone.

First, get iserenity open in a tab on your browser. You can choose between several soothing sounds with background slide-shows.

For instance, there's one of a fan sound, a soothing white noise to listen too.

And in the background you see images of fans...

OH! Don't put your face so close...don't get your fingers in there either!

Well, that's not so relaxing.

Let's go back and select library sounds. Here it is quiet, but you can hear breathing and pages turning, so you can relax and you don't feel alone.

While you listen you are shown soothing images of the library...

ahhh, books, readers and furniture.

Well, okay so the imagery isn't much. So leave it open, but open a new tab and go here, to the World Wide Blessing Generator. It starts with a blessing and some religious imagery from one religious tradition or another.

And then generates a new blessing and set of images each time you ask.

Keep the peaceful noise alive in browser number one, and remain on this site receiving blessings until you no longer feel homicidal.