
Feel That?

Emotions are complex. And people sure do have a lot of them. That's why there are sites online like We Feel Fine.

Upon entering one's computer screen fills with swirling shapes that represent feelings.

Clicking on one expands a comment about (I guess) said feeling

Sometimes it opens with a background image of people or places related to the post, and other times it just reveals the text

But either way it is always very random.

Plus, you can't interact with it at all to post your own thoughts and feelings, which is half the fun on any site.

Another "feeling" site, twistori, is said to have been inspired by We Feel Fine. You just select one of the "feelings"

And then posts related to that feeling come up.

And there are a lot of them for each category.

And it's even better than We Feel Fine in that you can specifically select the feeling category to see posts for, in case you want to focus your exploration on a certain area of irrelevant strangers' experiences and feelings.

Which you definitely do. And you can't add your own comments here either, but at least you can hone in on feelings you relate to.

Who doesn't fucking hate Ticket Master, or getting dressed? King Leopold, you worthless bastard!