
Dear (future) me!

If I had a nickel for every time I've said to myself, "if only there was some way to send myself an email reminder about X,Y or Z, that i would receive in X number of days or months," just when I need to remember the thing I would be emailing to remind myself of....Actually, I've never really said that. And I never will, because now if I should want to send such an email I easily can with Future Me.

Just fill in the necessary info, including the date on which it should be delivered.

The first one has to be sent to one's self.

After verifying that email account, one can register in full and send email to other people, in the future, as well. For now, my reminder to myself is sent, or will be a year from now. I'll likely have forgotten by then that I even sent it.

But that cat will sure be glad I did.