
Zap! And I'm Hot!

I can't tell you how happy I was last week to discover piZap, an online picture editor that does the cutting out for you so all you have to do is paste various features onto an existing photo. You can make a good-looking person look stupid or funny, and that's great, but an even better use, as I discovered, is to make improvements to your own image for use on various sites where you have to upload it for the world to see, and judge.

I've long feared that my tired and withered appearance has been holding me back, especially on dating sites. But using the piZap elements I was able to create a whole new me.

First, by sunken and dark eyes made me look like a skeleton almost, so I experimented with some of the eyes they provide...

Too "Fire Starter."

...ooo, too "surprise!"...

until I found just the right set, dark, but alive, and alluring I think.

They have ear and hair accessories,but I didn't see a need.

Lips, I've always had such think lips, so I decided to definitely make a change there.

And the results can't be denied.

From there I did experiment a little bit with some of the other features for image distortion, to cool effect.

Kinda weird, but cool.

Kinda cool, kinda hot.

Kinda Hot again. A couple of these, like this one, really helped to smooth out my leathery skin. And I thought the crescent moon in the background was a nice touch. It makes me seem exotic don't you think?

And there you have it, the new me with hot lips and sultry eyes. My online relationships are certain to improve by leaps and bounds. Thanks piZap!!!