
Come On Make Some Noise

It's summer, and there's no better time for cranking up the tunes and getting down. there's no worse time either, in fact, any time is a good time to get down, but it's summer now, so go with it.

There are, of course, no shortage of websites that provide interactive musical experiences. Let's look at a few of those, beginning with noisegames.com. This place offers several different interactive "games" that aren't really games so much as they are applications where the user can control how the animation produces "music."

There are a number of guitar-playing/vocalizing options as well as one for singing in the shower...

There's also a dog playing drums, but it's not fully interactive just yet. stay tuned though (get it, tuned) `cause they assure you they are working on it for us.

Next, UCLA web designers have designed a handy web tool that allows you to kind of produce your own electronic musical sound. You just shift the various parts--rhythmic elements, etc.--from their dormant positions onto the circle at various depths to create your own sound.

And when it gets painfully repetitive, and it does, simply move them to different points within the "circle of sound" to switch things up to a new soon-to-become-painfully-repetitive-sound.

Then there's yet another site, this one's actually kind of cool, I'll admit. It consists of a collection of musical performances--vocal and various instruments--from Youtube that you can play together, in any combination and in any order to create a new (until you have exhausted all possible combinations, which would take a while) and unique piece of music.

That was a cool idea. But that's not really what we're all about here.

This site features an application where the user clicks these four horses who then harmonize a nice repetitive ditty for you.

Once you've got the music, then you've gotta groove. And if you need some new moves, I suggest you consult this page and its featured pipe cleaner. He dances his ass off, and, of course, it too is interactive meaning the user decides the sequence of hot moves by mousing over the typewriter key pad provided. Naturally.