
What's In A Name?

Everything, that's what. At least according to the people of the Kabalarian persuasion. Their website is all about how important names are and they provide many name-related services.

From analysis of your current name to assistance choosing a better name to change to, or even picking out the kind of name that your baby won't grow up and learn he or she desperately needs to change. I, of course, hoped to see if all along it's been my name that's been holding me back...

But they didn't know.

Well whatever. I'm sure it's not.
Another great and ultra-useful site is that of namemasher. This is great if you and your other half are considering becoming a power couple like "Bennifer," "TomKat" or "Brangelina." Now, Devilboy and I have broken up, but we were soooo close at one point to being seen as a power couple, that I decided to see what our PC name might have been.

There were a lot to choose from, of course, because the modern power couple needs options.

I think my fave was "culturedrevilboy."

I think that would have distinguished us quite nicely, and been easy for our adoring public to say and remember.

Name Pistol is a great site if you need help either devising a new role-specific name for either yourself or your new band.

I liked some of the band name options it gave me and, if i ever start a band, i will be sure to use one of these, provided some other band hasn't already taken them by then. Which they definitely might.

Instant Frat Kittens! Who wouldn't pay to see them in concert? I might start a band just so we can call ourselves that. I'll insist that we do.

Along those lines, you can also find some great suggestions if you're a rapper in need of a better name...

or an old school DJ. Even if you're a new school DJ i think you could use something like this.

Maybe you want to join the mob, or start a new one...

or maybe you have a love of all things medieval (or the Khabalarians suggest a more Medieval-sounding name for you).


Ok, the Medieval name generator can also come in handy if you are looking for a new stripper or porn star name...

Finally, if you're a fan of the Elizabethan period and need to come up with a fictitious place name to reflect that, you may want to go here for some great suggestions. This way when you introduce yourself to people you can say you're from a real "Elizabethan-sounding" location that no one will ever have heard of before.

"Hi, I'm Godiva Starflare. I'm from Northoe."
"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Bona De Blays from Gittenswelly."