
The Unique Among the Glut of Online Games

There are millions, gazillions probably, of websites out there offering free online games as well as games for download. Many of these, though, are of the extremely standard, run-of-the-mill variety. Meaning, they are either puzzle games or involve shooting stuff: whether it's a space station defending its moon against invaders or cops taking out bad guys that lurk around every corner. Those are fun, but fortunately there are some far more original offerings out there as well. This is an unofficial top three of sorts, of unique games on the web.

Pot Man. A game modeled after the famed eighties game, Pac-Man.

All the same rules and procedures apply: you make your way through a maze, avoiding danger, destroying the enemy when energized by consuming a special treat, and gaining points in an attempt to complete the board and advance to the next level. While a knock-off, it has been re-created here with some fun and unique characteristics.

Only here, Pac-Man is "Pot-Man," a Rastafarian. The empowering special treat isn't fruit, it's a joint, and the enemies are the cops, narcs and bogarts.

Song Blitz. Here the trick is to match the song that plays with one of the correct album covers.

There are numerous choices in order to trip you up...

but if you know your music like I do...

it's a breeze every time. It's still fun though.

McVideogame. This game simulates, and parodies McDonald's, by allowing the player to face challenges on all side of the fast food giant's business.

You raise the beef, and the soy that feeds them. You slaughter the beef. You manage a McDonald's and sell the beef. You even participate in board meetings on the corporate side of things, and plan new marketing strategies and strategic financial moves.

Hey, supersize me!