
Sharing Secrets WIth the World

It is hard sometimes to hold a secret inside. Thank goodness many websites have popped up to allow folks to share their secrets with the world, anonymously online. This is a great thing for those of us who don't have any human friends to share our innermost thoughts and feelings with.

The original, or at least it would seem to have been, secret-posting spot was Not Proud, (they may still show their archives, but the site is no longer active) where people could anonymously share their wrongdoings, the categories being each of the 7 deadly sins. PostSecret is a popular blog that each week posts some of the secrets sent to it via mail and email. It is apparently not easy to get one's secret posted.

And what is posted is all very polished, profound and/or poetic. More like little works of art then anyones' deepest secrets.

But there is a Live Journal version of Post Secret that does show users' posts live. These are usually stupid and always fun. "I lied to my best friend." "I think i have herpes." What a hoot.

A similar, and also fairly popular, secret-sharing site is Secret Chest. Here too, people can make quick entries and get whatever they need to off their chests. My favorite ones are those that are about sex--masterbating to pics of your step-daughter is disturbing, but having sex with your friend's mom, haing "pleasure when I look at gays kissing" is a great secret to have and share.

I post all my secrets, such as they are, on Write Something. This is a site where you can write whatever you want and it goes up live, that instant; there are no moderators to deal with or anything, you just type and post. It doesn't have to be a secret, but it can be. Your post shows up to you in another color so you can easily review it, although there's no way to take it back. It's totally anonymous, though, so there's never any need to take it back. However, if you want, you can click on what you wrote--it becomes a link--and go to a page that allows you to email your post to a friend, which, again, is ALWAYS appropriate and fun. And, as always, it's fun to read what others posted.