
August Top Three

#1: Blank Sheet of Paper. This is a great utility. I can't tell you how many times I've needed a blank sheet of paper and not had one. Now, i can just print one out from this site. Great!

#2: The Mega Penny Project. This site helps one visualize what tens of thousands, even millions of pennies truly amounts to. Pennies are often taken for granted, as wastes of space, because their value is so low and it, thus, takes a real lot of them to add up to anything. Well if you had ten billion pennies you'd sure know it. It would take more pennies than that to pay for the space needed to store them I'm afraid. Like, i don't know to many people that own a football field.

#3: P Michaud's Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow Torches page. It is featured on his site, that also has other stuff, but this is the best thing on here. It documents the destructive force that a Pop-Tart, if over heated, can be. The images are awesome.

I guess, though, you really shouldn't try this at home, unless you're getting rid of your toaster anyway.