
Coffee snobs, Oracles, and Election Time

McDonald's has just recently added espresso drinks to their menu of culinary delights. There promo campaign includes the notion that it tastes as good as one from a designer coffee shop like, oh let's say, Starbucks. McDonald's espresso is less expensive because, well, because it's not from a popular and trendy coffee shop like, um, Starbucks, it's from Mickey D's, where you can get a whole meal for $3.50.

Along those lines, the corporation launched a new website that allows users to compose a letter to friends and family members who have fallen pray to the lure of expensive and delicious Starbucks coffees, letting them know what their behavior is really doing to them and how they can change.

I never miss an opportunity to send to a friend something I've created on line, so i threw a letter together for my best friend and emailed it to him right away.

Because he, like me, can't stand iced coffee of any kind and has never even entered a Starbucks or any place like it, he didn't understand it, but I explained to him it is ALWAYS fun to send it to a friend; whether or not it applies to them doesn't matter.

That's right, we can't stand Starbucks and their snooty, stupid drinks and complicated menu. Plus we just like plain old coffee. But Starbucks is great for another reason, which is that I'm a firm believer that you can tell a lot about a person by what they order at the hippest coffee spot (that actually sucks) on the planet. The creator(s) of the fun stuff on Buttafly would seem to agree, as this site features The Oracle of Starbucks.

Simply type in a drink order--I went ahead and put it what my buddy Johnny and I would order, if we went in there, which we don't, because we're too cool for that.

And the oracle came back with information about our personality types. Um...

Well okay, of course the oracle of STARBUCKS favors people who would order their most expensive drinks, because he is obviously working for the company. So I decided to see what the oh so brilliant oracle has to say about a friend of mine who I know does go there and does order something ridiculous. I've heard her say it, but I don't even know what it means.

I know what it says about her now, though. HA!

Essentially, just as i suspected all along, going to Starbucks makes you an ass, regardless of what you order from there.

That was fun, and informative. Incidentally, Buttafly is a fun site that offers more than just the oracle. Given the current political climate of the country and the highly charged contests between Obama and McCain, Democrats and Republicans, as election draws near, I know people will find some of the items available on this site to be not only fun but extremely timely.

The application which allows the user to generate an Obama quote is as much fun as it sounds like it would be. You just choose a few words or phrases, like you would for a Mad Lib, and POW!

The site generates not one but three versions of a powerful and inspiring, yet awesomely silly Obama-esque quote.

Another fun thing featured on this site is a little something called Political Debate Bingo. Simply print it out and play along as you watch candidates in every contest debate one another on the "issues."

Oh my god what a hoot, and not at all depressing that you candidates "ideas" and "beliefs" are really as shallow and predictable as this game suggests.