
Internet Stick People Seriously Need to Chill

Stick people have become very popular and have utterly saturated the web. There are gazillions of web pages, videos and downloads related to the stick figure phenomenon. In most cases, stick figures emerge as angry and murderous.

On the Stick Page

...you'll find games with stick figure characters--mostly violent ones.

On the Stick Figure Death Theater page it's just more of the same--angry stick people toting guns and machetes and killing and maiming one another.

Stick Death is another popular website that features hostile stick figures shooting and hacking each other to pieces.

While their individual creators make them this way, stick figures are probably so angry--or so prone to violence--because they can't even have sex...

or they risk catching on fire.

All over You Tube there are videos of stick men and woman kicking the shit out of one another.

You can download Pivot Stick Figure Animator and create your own angry stick guys and make them fight each other.

But i instead chose to have my stick character spend his time going to local pubs and sharing pints with friends.

He doesn't want to kill them and they don't want to kill him. They just want to get drunk and have a good time.

Really, isn't that what we all want?