
October Top Three (But really 5)

In honor of Halloween, October's top 3 websites, I decided, should be ones that deal with monsters and zombies and other scary thoughts, images, products or places. And there are actually five of them instead of three, because i really like scary websites and i really really like Halloween.

#1 Zombie Lurch. Here is a fun site dedicated to celebration of Zombies around the world. Zombies are scary, but they are also well loved. Not everyone loves them, I guess, like Minneapolis, but a lot of people do. A lot of people not only love, but wish to be zombies, if only for a day. These people include me.

#2 Monstrous. The purpose of this site is in its name; it is all about monsters and other frightful characters from those of ancient mythologies to modern horror movies. Awesome!

#3 Dark Side of the Net. This site is a little different. It provides links to , as the name suggests, dark places on the web-places for "dark" art and literature, news and info of a darker nature, as well as those dealing with Halloween and hauntings and other scary, scary stuff.

New Age Dolls. Ok, this site is creepy because the dolls exhibited here are soooo creepy. Like if you had one of these in your bedroom you would not sleep at night. Hey, if there's an annoying kid you know that you really want to mess with, I'd say get him or her one of these this Christmas. They'll never sleep again at the very least and, honestly, these dolls actually may be evil, and may really kill people, including small annoying children, in their sleep. Either way, how satisfying.

The Cabinet. This site is devoted to the horror genre in literature, film and music. You can also create your own horror blog there, which I've decided I will do immediately.


Send it To Your Friends, to Make Sure They Know How to Vote

i got a funny email the other day, from a friend who, i guess, is afraid that i won't vote, and vote for his candidate, on election day. he's partly right, because i already voted by absentee ballot last week.

but anyway, it was funny and, best of all, something you can send to all of your friends, that may inspire them to get out and "Barack the Vote." at the very least, though, it's an opportunity to fill the in boxes of your friends with more amusing crap.

go to this website, and fill in a list of your friends names and email addresses, and a video from this site, customized with your pals' names will be sent to them instantly.

the fake video is of a news report, set a couple days after the election, showing outraged citizens talking about what a loser your friend is for failing to vote for Obama, like those shown below from the video i received.

and if that isn't enough to compel your friends to vote, or at least make them smile, the video goes on to show right wing nut jobs singing their praises.

what, i ask you,could be more disturbing then that?


So...This is My Problem, and What I Amount to In Beer

Ok, well, thanks to the folks behind the Rum and Monkey site, I have had two long burning questions answered for me today:

1) What the hell is my problem?

All I had to do to get to the bottom of this was enter my name, and the What's Your Problem page came back with a helpful answer.

This is interesting, because i don't really think of myself as a red neck per se, but he other two parts of this assessment are dead on.

The next question finally answered for me today, courtesy of this site's amazing Beer-O-Matic, was 2) How many beers do I need to consume in order to say I've drank my weight in beer (as this has always been a goal of mine)? I simply input my weight and preferred beer delivery method

and instantly I got the Answer:

Now I can finally say with no hesitation that I have indeed consumed my weight in beer, about a thousand times now. Let's see if we can't get that number up to 2,000.


Fun with Scams and Spam

We've come to take certain internet annoyances for granted. We've installed software to filter and block what we can and, most of us, can recognize an online scam from a mile away and know to remain a mile away from it. Here, though, are a couple of sites with owners that have found their own ways of dealing with the scams and abundant spam we've come to accept as a part of our everyday world online.

First, at 419 Eater, you'll find a community that has grown up there around the practice of scambaiting, or engaging and wasting the time and efforts of online scammers. One wants to transfer money to your account, here we learn that while we don't want to share our account info, it is fun and rewarding to engage in a long drawn out online conversation with this asshole, thus keeping him tied up and away from another, unsuspecting victim. It's fun and really rewarding, because you know you're helping others, while at the same time fucking with someone who deserves the aggravation. Everybody wins. Except the scammers. Those bastards.

On the Spamradio site, you'll find spam, the dreaded source of so much email clutter, transformed into musical expressions. Every known major source and type of spam is included here, even the Nigerian 419 Scam, after which the previous website was named. Here, though, instead of trying to frustrate it's purveyors and eradicate it, it is transformed into something enjoyable: music.

There's no shortage of paper junk mail to pile up in our real mailboxes either. And, luckily, there's a site devoted to combating that problem as well.

The creators of this site even offer some creative uses for all the crappy junk mail you've already received.

I'm thinking of using mine to build myself a summer home.


Has the Large Hadron ColliderDestoryed the World Yet?

Well has it?

Well, not yet I guess. I believe I will check back at this site often in the weeks to come, though, to find out.