
June `09 (Preparing for the End )TOP 3

It never hurts to think ahead. You want to be ready. Rapture Ready!

(Okay, yeah, that's an extra site I'm sneaking in.)

In keeping, here's the top three:

#1 Post Rapture Post. What an awesome idea, and one that will prove an invaluable service no doubt. On this site you can place an order to have a message delivered to a friend or family member, or even a celebrity, who you think will be left behind as a sinner. You know you're going to be with the lord, but you need your pets fed or a library book returned after that day of glory? Order a message--they range in price depending on the style--to be delivered to your favorite sinner by the Atheist owners of this page who are all but guaranteed to be left on Earth.

On the other hand, maybe you'd rather start preparing for the rapture in another way. Well the next two sites can help you with that.

#2 The Brick Testament. Here, each story in the Bible is illustrated with Lego characters, meaning even stupid Americans can understand and learn the word of god.

Every story in every book of both testaments of the holy book are are carefully depicted.

From the creation of man in the Garden of Eden

To the order not to eat of that tree, to the creation of Eve and the fall.

All your favorite Bible tales are artfully depicted in this way. Noah's ark and the flood...

The story of Moses...

The birth, teachings and crucifixion of Jesus. It's all there, to help point you in the right direction--the direction of the Kingdom of Heaven (that would be up).

But you you still need to pray. Haven't mastered prayer yet? The next site may be for you.

#3 All About Prayer. Praying is like canoeing on a serene pond in a scenic environment..?

There are no doubt countless sites created in Christian faith to aid in and promote prayer and other forms of adherence to the word of god or whatever. For example, this handy site tells you everything you need to know about how to pray effectively. It tells you what it means, how to do it and what to ask for...

and what to listen for in return. Good prayin' may mean you'll be "communicating" with god--and it could be a two-way conversation. This may mean you'll soon come to be among those swept up to Heaven.

Or it may mean you need that medication after all.


Zap! And I'm Hot!

I can't tell you how happy I was last week to discover piZap, an online picture editor that does the cutting out for you so all you have to do is paste various features onto an existing photo. You can make a good-looking person look stupid or funny, and that's great, but an even better use, as I discovered, is to make improvements to your own image for use on various sites where you have to upload it for the world to see, and judge.

I've long feared that my tired and withered appearance has been holding me back, especially on dating sites. But using the piZap elements I was able to create a whole new me.

First, by sunken and dark eyes made me look like a skeleton almost, so I experimented with some of the eyes they provide...

Too "Fire Starter."

...ooo, too "surprise!"...

until I found just the right set, dark, but alive, and alluring I think.

They have ear and hair accessories,but I didn't see a need.

Lips, I've always had such think lips, so I decided to definitely make a change there.

And the results can't be denied.

From there I did experiment a little bit with some of the other features for image distortion, to cool effect.

Kinda weird, but cool.

Kinda cool, kinda hot.

Kinda Hot again. A couple of these, like this one, really helped to smooth out my leathery skin. And I thought the crescent moon in the background was a nice touch. It makes me seem exotic don't you think?

And there you have it, the new me with hot lips and sultry eyes. My online relationships are certain to improve by leaps and bounds. Thanks piZap!!!


Dear (future) me!

If I had a nickel for every time I've said to myself, "if only there was some way to send myself an email reminder about X,Y or Z, that i would receive in X number of days or months," just when I need to remember the thing I would be emailing to remind myself of....Actually, I've never really said that. And I never will, because now if I should want to send such an email I easily can with Future Me.

Just fill in the necessary info, including the date on which it should be delivered.

The first one has to be sent to one's self.

After verifying that email account, one can register in full and send email to other people, in the future, as well. For now, my reminder to myself is sent, or will be a year from now. I'll likely have forgotten by then that I even sent it.

But that cat will sure be glad I did.


Feel That?

Emotions are complex. And people sure do have a lot of them. That's why there are sites online like We Feel Fine.

Upon entering one's computer screen fills with swirling shapes that represent feelings.

Clicking on one expands a comment about (I guess) said feeling

Sometimes it opens with a background image of people or places related to the post, and other times it just reveals the text

But either way it is always very random.

Plus, you can't interact with it at all to post your own thoughts and feelings, which is half the fun on any site.

Another "feeling" site, twistori, is said to have been inspired by We Feel Fine. You just select one of the "feelings"

And then posts related to that feeling come up.

And there are a lot of them for each category.

And it's even better than We Feel Fine in that you can specifically select the feeling category to see posts for, in case you want to focus your exploration on a certain area of irrelevant strangers' experiences and feelings.

Which you definitely do. And you can't add your own comments here either, but at least you can hone in on feelings you relate to.

Who doesn't fucking hate Ticket Master, or getting dressed? King Leopold, you worthless bastard!