
monthly top three--june

Here they be, it's this month's top three wacky, weird or unique web sites.

#1: Deer in the yard. This page features images of the many deer that spend time in the yard of a family who apparently live in a rural area that not only is home to many deer, but their house is actually amidst many trails the deer use to get to their feeding grounds.

#2: Human Clock. This site keeps time with images that contain times of day, that people stage and then send in. It's a bit odd, but unique for sure.

#3: Die Screaming With Sharp Things in your Head.
This is a fun site that features images of garden gnomes with, you guessed it, sharp things stuck into them. Why? Not sure anyone could answer that.


Who's Hot and Who's Headed for Court.

There are a few really fun sites out there where you can rate or bet on others, which is always fun. Hot or Not is great because you can play along and rate others on their hotness (or total notness) without even registering and becoming a member, and you can see how others rate you in the heat department AND even met other registered singles who are as hot as you.

I rated this young man a ten, and this young lady an eight. you can see how others voted for the person once you rate them, and see when they last checked their rating. In most cases it was within the past few hours, leading me to believe that one's Hot or Not rating is something people take very seriously. I decided to join and submit my photo in order to learn how hot i am.

So far no rating yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm hot.

And I want to meet this guy. I've sent him a message to that effect.

So, okay, you're hot, they're hot. You hook up and decide to wed. Now you can move to the next step and submit a picture of yourselves together to the Wedding Betting site, and then the rest of us can bet on whether your marriage will succeed or fail miserably, and not just that but how much time you have before you crash and burn, if you're going to, which you probably are. I think that's something you'd want to know.

I personally think Matt and Lance won't last the year. But the other fun thing is you can forward each couple's page to your friends and get their opinions too. This way, your predictions are likely to be very accurate and, thus, worthwhile to the happy couples you are betting on.


Sharing Secrets WIth the World

It is hard sometimes to hold a secret inside. Thank goodness many websites have popped up to allow folks to share their secrets with the world, anonymously online. This is a great thing for those of us who don't have any human friends to share our innermost thoughts and feelings with.

The original, or at least it would seem to have been, secret-posting spot was Not Proud, (they may still show their archives, but the site is no longer active) where people could anonymously share their wrongdoings, the categories being each of the 7 deadly sins. PostSecret is a popular blog that each week posts some of the secrets sent to it via mail and email. It is apparently not easy to get one's secret posted.

And what is posted is all very polished, profound and/or poetic. More like little works of art then anyones' deepest secrets.

But there is a Live Journal version of Post Secret that does show users' posts live. These are usually stupid and always fun. "I lied to my best friend." "I think i have herpes." What a hoot.

A similar, and also fairly popular, secret-sharing site is Secret Chest. Here too, people can make quick entries and get whatever they need to off their chests. My favorite ones are those that are about sex--masterbating to pics of your step-daughter is disturbing, but having sex with your friend's mom, haing "pleasure when I look at gays kissing" is a great secret to have and share.

I post all my secrets, such as they are, on Write Something. This is a site where you can write whatever you want and it goes up live, that instant; there are no moderators to deal with or anything, you just type and post. It doesn't have to be a secret, but it can be. Your post shows up to you in another color so you can easily review it, although there's no way to take it back. It's totally anonymous, though, so there's never any need to take it back. However, if you want, you can click on what you wrote--it becomes a link--and go to a page that allows you to email your post to a friend, which, again, is ALWAYS appropriate and fun. And, as always, it's fun to read what others posted.


The Unique Among the Glut of Online Games

There are millions, gazillions probably, of websites out there offering free online games as well as games for download. Many of these, though, are of the extremely standard, run-of-the-mill variety. Meaning, they are either puzzle games or involve shooting stuff: whether it's a space station defending its moon against invaders or cops taking out bad guys that lurk around every corner. Those are fun, but fortunately there are some far more original offerings out there as well. This is an unofficial top three of sorts, of unique games on the web.

Pot Man. A game modeled after the famed eighties game, Pac-Man.

All the same rules and procedures apply: you make your way through a maze, avoiding danger, destroying the enemy when energized by consuming a special treat, and gaining points in an attempt to complete the board and advance to the next level. While a knock-off, it has been re-created here with some fun and unique characteristics.

Only here, Pac-Man is "Pot-Man," a Rastafarian. The empowering special treat isn't fruit, it's a joint, and the enemies are the cops, narcs and bogarts.

Song Blitz. Here the trick is to match the song that plays with one of the correct album covers.

There are numerous choices in order to trip you up...

but if you know your music like I do...

it's a breeze every time. It's still fun though.

McVideogame. This game simulates, and parodies McDonald's, by allowing the player to face challenges on all side of the fast food giant's business.

You raise the beef, and the soy that feeds them. You slaughter the beef. You manage a McDonald's and sell the beef. You even participate in board meetings on the corporate side of things, and plan new marketing strategies and strategic financial moves.

Hey, supersize me!